Monday, December 15, 2008

Angel's Sculpture/My New Camera

First, here is Angel's sculpture that she's been working on for a little while. It's still a work in progress. Hopefully she will finish it soon so that I can steal it for my office.

Second, this was taken with my brand spankin' new Nikon D90 with my also brand spankin' new Sigma 17-70mm lens. I LOVE this camera/lens so far. This was shot at 3200 ISO! If you don't know why that's so impressive, just take my word for it- it is. Much more to come, I'm sure.

1 comment:

Elabeth said...

I'm big on the Sigma lenses too. I don't know why people say they're crap, but then again maybe I'm just too much of a photo newbie to know the difference. haha

Fort Smith, Arkansas
...just narcissistic enough to own a blog.